Some Staggering Statistics

I just read a couple of statistics that shook me to my core and that I can’t stop thinking about. 

According to a 2018 survey of Women in Aviation International members, 71% have experienced sexual harassment and of those who reported the harassment, 51% experienced retaliation.

 What?  Those numbers are astounding.  If your jaw is on the floor, you are not alone.

 I love aviation.  I have spent the entire 36 years of my career in aviation and aerospace.  I spend a great deal of my non-working time helping to educate girls – middle school and even younger – and to raise their interest in aviation and aerospace as well as speaking to young women about their careers, encouraging them to enter the industry.  One of the best reasons for working in aviation, and I say this whenever a young person asks me, is the people.  Some of the finest people I know work in aviation.  And the people in this industry can do much better than what these statistics show.

 Does your mother, daughter, sister or friend work in one of the numerous and various roles in aviation?  Think about it.  If you asked them if they had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace or at a professional aviation event, then there is a 71% chance that they will say yes.  And if they do say yes and have actually reported it, the odds are better than 50/50 that they have felt some sort of deleterious effect on their career, just for asking to get some help.  No wonder it is so difficult to retain female talent.

 This is 2023.  And this is flabbergasting.  And unacceptable.

 Do you work in aviation?  If so, you can be part of the solution.  We need to have zero tolerance for any sexual harassment and we must hold our leaders and each other accountable.  We owe this to the brilliant girls and young women that we are hoping to attract to and retain in our wonderful industry.

 In case you were wondering, have I experienced sexual harassment?  Yes.

Did I report it?  Yes.

Did it hurt my career?  Absolutely.

 But I certainly never expected that I was in the majority, not the minority, of women who would answer yes to these questions.

 The great people of the aviation industry can do better and I believe that we will.


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